park river implement

Steffes Group Inc.

18 March, 2025 2:27 pm

Timed Online Auction. Financing available on certain pieces upon pre-qualification, contact Charlie at 701.284.6316. Equipment is located at stores in Cando, Park River, and Rolla, ND. ND sales tax laws apply. For information contact Charlie at Park River, 701.284.6316 or Dave Krostue at Steffes, 218.779.6865.


OPENS:? Tuesday, March 24

CLOSES:? Thursday, April?2 beginning at 1:00PM

The West Fargo offices will be closed Friday, April 3 for Good Friday.

Please call our offices by 5pm Thursday, April 2 for payments or Monday, April 6.?

Thank you.

AUCTIONEER?S NOTE: Financing available on certain pieces upon pre-qualification, contact Charlie at 701.284.6316.? Equipment is located at stores in Cando, Park River, and Rolla, ND. Please visit the “lot listings tab” for location details. ND sales tax laws apply.


2004 Buhler Versatile 2425, deluxe cab, 12 spd., 4 hyd., cruise, 710/70R38 duals, 5,172 hrs., S/ND300929

2002 Buhler Versatile 2425, deluxe cab, 12 spd., 4 hyd., Trelleborg 750/65R38 duals, 5,350 hrs., S/ND108575

1996 Case-IH 9370, Cummins, 24 spd., 4 hyd., 20.8-42 tires, 8,425 hrs., S/NJEE0036983

1991 Case-IH 9270, 855 Cummins, 12 spd. powershift, 4 hyd., 20.8-42 duals, 8,535 hrs., 0 hours on complete major overhaul, S/NJCB0027500

1989 Versatile 946, 855 Cummins, 4 hyd., Trimble EZ steer, 650/75R32 tires, 9,872 hrs., S/ND430301



2011 NH T8.390, MFWD, luxury cab, powershift, 5 hyd., MegaFlow, power beyond, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, full auto steer, 1000 Trimble screen unlocked to RTK, HID lights, front & rear weights, 380/90R54 triple rear tires, 380/80R38 dual front tires, 2,885 hrs., S/NZBRC05612

2007 NH TG305, MFWD, powershift, 5 hyd., MegaFlow, 3 pt., quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, auto steer ready, front weights, 380/38 front dual tires, 380/54 rear dual tires, 3,256 hrs., S/N27RW03742

1995 NH 8770, MFWD, 16 spd. powershift, 4 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 14.9-30 front tires, 14.9-46 rear duals, 6,918 hrs., S/ND406549



2007 NH CR9070, deluxe cab, 400 hp., twin rotor, variable header drive, remote sieves, elevators, touch screen display, diff lock, auto steer ready, straw chopper, long auger, heavy duty lift cyl. w/powered rear axle, 900/60R32 drive tires w/600/65R28 tires, 2,910 sep. hrs., 4,161 engine hrs., S/NHAJ110197

2003 NH CR960, deluxe cab, 330 hp., Terrain Tracer, variable header drive, 2 spd. rotor, remote sieves, long auger, tank ext., straw chopper, 2,652 sep. hrs., 4,019 engine hrs., S/NHAJ100407

1994 JD 9600, DAS, DAM, fore/aft, PRWD, chaff spreader, straw chopper, 20′ unloading auger, 30.5-32 front tires, 18.4-30 rear tires, 4,024 sep. hrs., 6,137 engine hrs., S/N656312



2010 JD 630F flex head, 30′, finger reel, full finger auger, poly skid plates, hyd. fore/aft, HD 9600/9610 hookups, S/N735988

2010 NH 88C flex draper head, 36′, finger reel, hyd. fore/aft, hyd. tilt, Case-IH & NH hookups, transport, S/N3655103101

2009 NH 88C flex draper head, 42′, finger reel, hyd. fore/aft, cross auger, Case-IH & NH hookups, transport, S/N4255093138

2008 NH 94C draper head, 40′, finger reel, hyd. fore/aft, hyd. tilt, Case-IH and NH hookups, transport, S/N40GB081498

2006 MacDon 973 draper head, 40′, finger reel, Case-IH & NH hookups, transport, S/N170041

2005 NH 94C draper head, 36′, finger reel, hyd. fore/aft, Case-IH & NH hookups, transport, S/N3605006

2004 NH 94C draper head, 39′, finger reel, hyd. fore/aft, Case-IH & NH hookups, transport, S/N390400742

1998 NH 994 draper head, 36′, finger reel, Schumacher cutting system, hookup for NH, transport, S/N436982165

Universal UH22 screened head, 22′, for beans & peas, (2) Sund 11′ pickups, off JD 9610, S/N55-22



2011 NH P2070 precision hoe drill, 60′, 10″ spacing, knife openers, high flotation tire pkg., NH P1060 tow-behind air cart, 430 bu., demo unit, very few acres, full warranty, sold as New unit, S/NYAS004046

1999 Concord 4010 air drill, 40′, 10″ spacing, 3400 tow-behind air cart, 3-bar harrow, paired row openers, radial packer wheels, S/NCKB0014777

1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill, 45′, 9″ spacing, inside & outside dual casters, 5-1/2″ rubber press, 2-bar harrow, Flexi-Coil 2320 tow-between cart, S/NU085822

1994 Concord 3310 air drill, 33′, 10″” sweeps, New harrow teeth, hyd. drive, C-chank, radial tires, with 2000 cart, wheat, soybean, & canola meters

JD 777 air drill, 41′, JD 1060 tillage tool, 7″ spacing, double disc openers, tow-between cart, 160 bu., fill auger, S/NN0077700852


2011 Summers Super Coulter, 40′, front & rear waffle blades, weight pkg. on wings, rolling baskets, Summers 104 3-bar harrow, 25L-15 tandems across, S/NK1280

2005 JD 637 disc, 37′, 22″ front blades, 23″ rear blades, rock flex, S/NN00637X008435

Summers diamond disc, 32-1/2′, 23″ blades, tandems across, rock flex, hyd. fold, S/NV0163

Case-IH 730B disc ripper, 7 shank, rear levelers, rear hyd., rear hitch, S/NJFH0011380



2011 NH SP.275R self-propelled sprayer, 275 hp., 120′ boom, 1,200 gal. poly tank, boom section control, power glide boom level, triple nozzle bodies, chemical injector, 3″ fill, aux. light pkg., radar, 750 Trimble w/Field IQ, 380/90R46 tires w/rear duals, 400 hrs., S/NYBYM00191

2011 NH SP.275R self-propelled sprayer, 90′ boom, air boom, either air or conventional spraying, 4WD Smart Drive, 1,200 gal. SS tank, fence line kit, boom blow out system, chemical filler, HID lights, power glide, boom leveling system, hyd. adj. axles, New unit, warranty, sales tax applies, S/NYAYM00153

1999 JD 4700 self-propelled sprayer, 90′ boom, 750 gal. SS tank, foam marker, chemical fill, 5-nozzle bodies, hyd. adj. axles, wind screens, Outback light bar, 4,000 hrs., 385/85R34 tires, S/NX004362

Airglide 1000 XT self-propelled sprayer, Cummins engine, 4 spd. hydro, 120′ boom, 1,000 gal. SS tank, double nozzle bodies, Outback guidance system, 14.9-46 tires, 1,992 hrs., S/N2180

Wil-Rich sprayer, 90′, 2 pt., 750 gal. tank, triple nozzles, 12″ spacing, foam markers, hyd. pump, hyd. fold, hyd. tip lifts, Raven 440 controller, S/N453214



2011 NH BR7090 round baler, extra wide pickup, twine tie, Bale Command monitor, 1000 PTO, bale ramp, 18L-16.5 tires, S/NYAN045635

1998 Vermeer 605L round baler, 540 PTO, gathering wheels, monitor, twine tie, S/N1VVRR14B2W100588

1999 NH 1475 mower conditioner, 14′ , 1000 PTO, hyd. swing, center pivot, drawbar hitch, rubber rolls, 2326 Series head, S/N632324

1998 JD 1600A mower conditioner, 16′, 1000 PTO, hyd. pump, hyd. swing, rubber rollers, skid shoes, S/NE01600A989615

NH 258 side delivery rake, 9-1/2?, 5-bar reel, basket tilt adj., rubber-mounted tires, S/N783058

NH 258 side delivery rake, 9-1/2?, 5-bar reel, basket tilt adj., rubber-mounted tires, front dolly wheels, S/N783062


Farm King auger, 95’x13″”, mechanical low pro hopper, New, S/N219006412

Farm King auger, 70’x13″, mechanical low pro hopper, New, S/N219068411

Batco 1345 conveyor, 10 hp., 1 phase, S/N131082

Convey-All 1035 conveyor, 35’x10″, low profile hopper, 25 hp. gas, electric start, just used spring of 2014, S/N25101310341



2006 NH L185 skid steer loader, foot controls, aux. hyd., 12-16.5 tires, 1,606 hrs., S/NN6M446156

Otto rockpicker, S/N82-4

Farm King finishing mower, 72″, 3 pt., rear discharge, New, S/N27803399

Rhino SR162 batwing mower, front & rear chain shields, aircraft tires, 1000 PTO, S/N10290

Woods 2120 batwing mower, 10′, 1000 PTO, 2 tandem sets on main, one wheel on wing, S/N687259

Farm King rotary tiller, 72″, 540 PTO, New, S/N723008711


Charlie, 701.284.6316 or

Or contact Dave Krostue at Steffes, 218.779.6865

2011 T8.390

in Tractors
Serial number: ZBRC05612

2007 TG305

in Tractors
Serial number: 27RW03742

2004 2425

in Tractors
Serial number: D300929

2002 2425

in Tractors
Serial number: D108575

1996 9370

in Tractors
Serial number: JEE0036983

1995 8770

in Tractors
Serial number: D406549

1991 9270

in Tractors
Serial number: JCB0027500

1989 946

in Tractors
Serial number: D430301

2011 SP.275R

in Applicators
Serial number: YAYM00153

2011 SP.275R

in Applicators
Serial number: YBYM00191


in Applicators
Serial number: 2180

1999 4700

in Applicators
Serial number: X004362

in Applicators
Serial number: 453214

2011 P2070

in Seeding Equipment
Serial number: YAS004046

1999 4010

in Seeding Equipment
Serial number: CKB0014777

1999 5000

in Seeding Equipment
Serial number: U085822

1994 3310

in Seeding Equipment


in Seeding Equipment
Serial number: N0077700852

2011 Super Coulter

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: K1280

2005 637

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: N00637X008435

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: V0163


in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: JFH0011380

2006 L185

in Skid Steers
Serial number: N6M446156

1999 1475

in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: 632324

1998 1600A

in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: E01600A989615


in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: 783058


in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: 783062

2011 BR7090

in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: YAN045635

1998 605L

in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: 1VVRR14B2W100588


in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 131082


in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 25101310341

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 219006412

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 219068411

2007 CR9070

in Combines
Serial number: HAJ110197

2003 CR960

in Combines
Serial number: HAJ100407

1994 9600

in Combines
Serial number: 656312

2009 88C

in Headers
Serial number: 4255093138


in Headers
Serial number: 3655103101

2008 94C

in Headers
Serial number: 40GB081498

2006 973

in Headers
Serial number: 170041


in Headers
Serial number: 3605006

2004 94C

in Headers
Serial number: 390400742

1998 994

in Headers
Serial number: 436982165

2010 630F

in Headers
Serial number: 735988


in Headers
Serial number: 55-22

in Other Equipment
Serial number: 723008711

in Mowing
Serial number: 27803399

in Miscellaneous
Serial number: 82-4


in Mowing
Serial number: 687259


in Mowing
Serial number: 10290

Photo Gallery

01 PR DK10  1 JPG 02 PR DK11  23 JPG 03 PR DK7  1 JPG 04 PR DK8  1 JPG 05 PR DK38  2 JPG 06 PR DK13  2 JPG 07 PR DK32  1 JPG 08 PR DK4  1 JPG 09 PR Dk23  3 JPG 10 PR DK24  1 JPG 11 PR DK35  2 JPG 12  JPG 13 PR DK41  14 JPG 14 PR DK42  1 JPG 15 PR DK3  1 JPG 16 PR DK16  1 JPG 17 PR DK26  1 JPG 18 PR DK15  1 JPG 19 PR DK48  10 JPG 20 PR DK17  1 JPG 21 PRDK47  17 JPG 22 PR DK30  1 JPG 23 PR DK25  1 JPG 24 PR DK29  3 JPG 25 PR DK40  8 JPG


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.