409 Main - Hebron, ND
Sells @ 3:00 pm CT
Lots 2-8 & W ½ of Lot 9 Hebron Proper- Hebron, ND located at 409 Main. This home has 3 BR, 2 Bath, 2 LR, 2 Kitchens, 2 front porches & 2 storage sheds & 2 cistern wells. There is new carpet & linoleum except for front porches
2016 TAXES: $520.43 prorated to sale date.
TERMS: 10% earnest money down day of sale-nonrefundable. Have finances secured before bidding. Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material. Sold As Is, All guarantees between buyer and seller. Possession: Given at closing in with updated abstract. For inspection of property call Ross Glass 701-290-4001