rudnicki tractor ranch relocation absolute auction

Steffes Group Inc.

17 March, 2025 11:49 pm

Relocation Absolute Auction. Preview & Loadout is Monday - Friday from 8:00AM - 5:00PM at our Steffes Group Litchfield facility. For information contact Corey from Rudnicki Tractor Ranch at 701.320.0017 or Randy Kath at Steffes, 701.429.8894


LOCATION:? Steffes Group facility, 24400 MN Hwy 22 South, Litchfield, MN



PREVIEW:? Monday ? Friday from 8:00AM ? 5:00PM.? Equipment located at Steffes Group, 24400 MN Hwy 22 South, Litchfield, MN 55355

LOADOUT:? Monday ? Friday from 8:00AM ? 5:00PM



1983 Case-IH 5288, MFWD, CAH, western cab interior, 3 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, (20) front weights, 16.9-28 front tires, 20.8-38 on 10-bolt duals, 9,303 hrs., , 2500 hrs. on complete major engine and trans. Overhaul at IH dealer, S/N4593

1991 Case-IH 5130 Maxxum, 2WD, CAH, 16 spd. partial powershift, 2 hyd., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-38 tires, approx.. 6,000 hrs., S/NJJF1016415

1970 IHC 826, 2WD, diesel, 2 hyd., 3 pt., no arms, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-34 tires w/hubs for duals, S/N2510132U011309

1963 IHC 806, 2WD, Wheatland diesel, good TA, 2 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, full coverage fenders, rear wheel weights, 23.1-34 tires, S/N849-S-Y

1949 Farmall H, narrow front, PTO, belt pulley, fenders, rear wheel weights, 12.4-38 tires at 90%, S/N300906

Farmhand F235 all hyd. loader w/grapple attachments, IHC 66 or 88 Series mounts

IHC TD-6 crawler, w/Cat. Blade, PTO, good under carriage, engine stuck


IHC 1460 combine, axial flow, hydro, chaff spreader, 24.5-32 front tires, 14.9-26 rear tires, 4,195 hrs., S/N1700231U022649

IHC 944 corn head, 4 row wide, S/N0730324010105


2014 Demco 365 gravity box, lights, red, 385/65R22.5 tires, New, S/NE01617

2013 Demco 365 gravity box, lights, red, 385/65R22.5 tires, S/ND01591

Knight 3300 Reel Auggie horizontal TMR, pull-type, 540 PTO, left hand fold down auger discharge, magnet, Digi-Star EX150 scale, hay max kit, S/N0998


Houle AP-L-R-32 agi-pump, 30′, 540 PTO, w/25’x6″ fill pipe, hyd. spout, hand controls, single owner, always shedded, S/N90576

Badger 8700L liquid manure tank, 540 PTO, left hand discharge, walking tandem, 19L16.1 tires, single owner, always shedded, S/N42118B2321257

Patz liquid manure tank, top rear discharge, walking tandems, brakes, 21.5-16.1 tires, single owner, always shedded, S/N8632-8-0388

NH 185 manure spreader, poly floor, hyd. end gate, 11L22 truck tires, S/N837371


Gehl mower conditioner, 10′, 540 PTO, composite roll conditioner, equal angle hitch, S/N10620

Gehl 970 steel forage box, 16′, 540 PTO, Gehl tandem axle running gear, 12.5-15 tires, single owner, always shedded, S/N41916

Gehl 970 steel forage box, 16′, 540 PTO, Gehl tandem axle running gear, 12.5-15 tires, single owner, always shedded, S/N42056

Gehl 970 steel forage box, 16′, 540 PTO, Gehl tandem axle running gear, 12.5-15 tires, single owner, always shedded, S/N39275

Case-IH 600 forage blower, side angle, single owner, always shedded

1997 JD 338 small square baler, 540 PTO, equal angle hitch, hyd. tongue, w/JD 42 ejector, always shedded, S/NE00338X987022

Notch small square baler rack, 9’x16′, fold down doors, slant bar sides, Gehl running gear, 9.5-15 tires

Notch small square baler rack, 9’x16′, fold down doors, slant bar sides, Kasten running gear, 9.5-15 tires????

NH 1034 Stackliner pull-type bale accumulator, tandem axle, hand controls

Schoessow feed wagon, 18’x7′, slant bar, tri-cycle front

Lorentz 100 grinder mixer, 540 PTO, hyd. load & unload augers


Kewanee 500 all crop elevator, 50′, 540 PTO, fold down apron

Bradford running gear, 235/75R15 truck tires

Kasten running gear, 11L15 implement tires

IH 50 stalk shredder, 12-1/2′, 1000 PTO, rear hitch, S/N00580

IHC 720 auto reset plow, 4 bottom, semi-mount, S/NU0011418

IHC 710 auto reset plow, 4 bottom, semi-mount


1990 Toyota, extended cab, 4WD, automatic, topper, 165,000, needs brake work

1995 Eagle Talon, manual trans., front wheel drive, 160,000 miles, many receipts


(2) Wheatland fenders, wide coverage, for IHC 1206

(2) Wheatland fenders, narrow coverage, for IHC 1206??????????

(2) Wheatland fenders, narrow coverage, for IHC 1206

(2) Flat top fenders, double headlight, for IHC

(2) Flat top fenders, single headlight, for IHC

Wheatland fender, for MF

(2) IHC 9-bolt dual hubs, clamp-on, 3-1/2″

(2) IHC 9-bolt dual hubs, clamp-on, 3-1/2″

(2) IHC 9-bolt dual hubs, clamp-on, 3-1/2″

(3) IHC 9-bolt dual hubs, clamp-on, 3-1/2″

(2) IHC 9-bolt dual hubs, clamp-on, 3-1/4″

(4) IHC half wheel weights

(2) IHC full wheel weights?

(2) IHC rear wheel weights, large

(4) IHC wheel weights

IHC MF hood

IHC MF side frames

(2 IHC Super M nose cones

(2) IHC 450 diesel side panels

IHC Super W Series nose cone

IHC 450 nose cone

IHC Super W6 Series fuel tank

(2) IHC MD hoods

IHC W9 Series hood

Pallet consisting of misc. IHC parts to include: steering wheels, W-6 live hyd. system, hyd. cylinders, hyd. hand controls, wheel weights

Pallet consisting of misc. IHC parts including: fuel tank, air cleaner, hitch, spike tooth drag, M-fender, wheel casting

Pallets of IHC fast hitch parts

Pallets of IHC field cultivator standards

IHC 06-56 Series standard drawbar

IHC 806 front casting assembly

IHC 560 or 660 Wheatland front end assembly w/axle

IHC 06 Series sheet metal

IHC 450 sheet metal

IHC fast hitch


(2) Coop 18.4-38 tires at 60%

Firestone 18.4-38 on 9-bolt IHC rim and IHC 18.4-38 rim only

Firestone 24.5-32 tire

(2) 18.4-30 tires on rims

(2) 11:00-16 4-bar tires

IHC 16″ front wheel, rim only

6:00-16 tire


Corey Rudnicki, 701.320.0017

Or contact Randy Kath at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.429.8894

1983 5288

in Tractors
Serial number: 4593

1991 5130 Maxxum

in Tractors
Serial number: JJF1016415

1970 826

in Tractors
Serial number: 2510132U011309

1963 806

in Tractors
Serial number: 849-S-Y

1949 H

in Tractors
Serial number: 300906


in Combines
Serial number: 1700231U022649


in Headers
Serial number: 0730324010105

2014 365

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: E01617

2013 365

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: D01591


in Livestock Handling
Serial number: 0998


in Livestock Handling
Serial number: 90576


in Livestock Handling
Serial number: 42118B2321257

in Livestock Handling
Serial number: 8632-8-0388


in Livestock Handling
Serial number: 837371


in Livestock Handling
Serial number: 41916


in Livestock Handling
Serial number: 42056


in Livestock Handling
Serial number: 39275


in Livestock Handling

1997 338

in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: E00338X987022

in Hay & Forage Equipment

in Hay & Forage Equipment

1034 Stackliner

in Hay & Forage Equipment

in Livestock Handling


in Livestock Handling


in Farm Loaders & Attachments


in Grain Handling Equipment

in Other Equipment

in Other Equipment


in Mowing
Serial number: 00580


in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: U0011418


in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: N/A


in Pickups

Eagle Talon

in Automobiles

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous

Super M

in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous

Super W Series

in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous

Super W6 Series

in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous

W9 Series

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

06-56 Series

in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous

560 or 660

in Miscellaneous

06 Series

in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Tractor/Implement Tires

in Tractor/Implement Tires

in Tractor/Implement Tires

in Tractor/Implement Tires

in Tractor/Implement Tires

in Miscellaneous

in Tractor/Implement Tires


in Tractors


in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: 10620

Photo Gallery

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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.