18 March, 2025 12:08 am
Lorenz 16’x33′ PT Stack Mover
Lorenz 16’x33′ pull type PTO Stack Mover (10 tooth) w/Tandem Axles, Dual Wheels, 245/75R16 Tires, reinforced tubes welded to inner wall of outside teeth, Kept Inside – Good!
** NOTE: Was bought used.
Case IH Puma 130 FWA Tractor w/Loader – Very Nice! *Read Description:
Case IH Puma 130 FWA Tractor w/CVT Transmission, 3 pt, PTO (540/1000), 3 Hydraulic Outlets, Buddy Seat, Engine & Transmission Heater Plug Ins, 380/85R30 Front Tires, 480/80R42 Rear Tires, Rear Wheel Weights, 1816 hours, SN ZEBP15178 (2014) also CASE IH L755 Loader w/Bucket, Maxi Grapple, Joystick Control, Kept Inside – Very Nice!
** NOTE: Bought new in 2015. Hydraulics and PTO have never been used! Must See!
Case IH SCX100 HDX 16″ Mower Conditioner w/Reverser,
Case IH SCX100 HDX 16′ Mower Conditioner w/Reverser, New Style Pump,15 acres on new Sickle & Guards, Poly Deck Plate added above Sickle (for pocket gophers), Steel on Steel Crimper, SN HCA0029324 (believe ’06), Kept Inside – Very Good!
NH Roll-Belt 560 Specialty Crop Round Baler – VIRTUALLY NEW!
New Holland Roll-Belt 560 Specialty Crop Round Baler “40th Anniversary” w/Twine & Net Wrap, Rubber Teeth, 21.5L16.1 Tires, SN YFN186050 (2015), Kept Inside. **NOTE: This baler was bought new in 2015 and put in shed. IT HAS NEVER BEEN USED! It has never been hooked to a tractor, the back door never raised! By the year it is 5 years old but this baler is VIRTUALLY BRAND NEW! MUST SEE!
JD 4230 Tractor
JD 4230 2WD Tractor w/Sound Guard Cab, Quad Range, 3 pt, PTO (540/1000), 2 Hydraulic Outlets, Rock Box, 18.4×34 Tires, SN 008826R (’74).
** NOTE: This tractor was bought used from neighbor w/tach replaced. It is estimated to have 4000-4500 hours but we are not guaranteeing the hours to be accurate. It has been kept inside since buying.
Bale King 5100 Bale Shredder – Like New!
Bale King 5100 Bale Shredder – Only done 25-30 bales, SN BK6497, Kept Inside – Like New! ** believe 2014 model. ** MUST SEE!
Stur-D Pipe Bed Bale Trailer w/Kory 8278 Gear
Stur-D 10 1/2′ x 26′ Pipe Bed Bale Trailer w/Kory 8278 4 Wheel Running Gear – Kept Inside!
3) Blue Poly Calf Warming Huts
3) Blue Poly Calf Warming Huts – all 3 Huts to go one price. They have been kept inside shop.
Case 2590 Tractor
Case 2590 Tractor w/3 pt, PTO, 2 Hydraulic Outlets, 20.8×38 Tires, Newer Seat & Radio, Differential Lock, 8394 hours, SN 9913956 (’81), Kept Inside.
** NOTE: Spent approximately $9000 overhauling engine some years ago. Radiator has been replaced. Spent approximately $8500 on Power Shift a year or two after engine work – has only put roughly 500 hours on it since work. AC may need charging.
Case IH WRX301 16 Wheel Rake – Kept Inside/Nice!
Case IH WRX301 16 Wheel Rake – w/SN DFC002397, Kept Inside – Nice!
** NOTE: This rake was originally purchased as a 14 wheel rake. A kit was put on to add one more wheel down each side making 8 for each side (added 3 years ago). No center wheels. Thus the reason for the two different colored wheels (one on each side).
Case IH RB564 Round Baler
Case IH RB564 Round Baler w/Twine Tie, 11647 Bales, SN Y7N032308 (’08), Kept Inside – Well Kept!
’94 Boss 24′ 5th Wheel Stock Trailer Tandem Axle
’94 Boss 7’x24′ 5th Wheel Tandem Axle Stock Trailer w/235/85R16 Tires, Kept Inside (No Center Gate). ** NOTE: Trailer shows rust on top & on fenders.
6) Sioux Dura-Life Poly Mineral Feeders
6) Sioux Dura-Life Poly Mineral Feeders – all 6) to go for one price!
Case IH 2096 Tractor
Case IH 2096 Tractor w/5.9 Litre, 3 pt, PTO, 3 Hydraulic Outlets, 4 Range/3 Speed Power Shift, 20.8×38 Tires, Rock Box, SN 9944905 (’86), 7999 hours.
** NOTE: The Power Shift was overhauled and radiator replaced around 2000 hours ago. The hood top is fading white. It has a loader bracket but no loader!
H&S TR9 6 Wheel Rake – VIRTUALLY NEW! (Read Description!)
H&S 6 Wheel Rake – w/SN 239921 (VIRTUALLY NEW!) ** NOTE: This rake was bought new 5 or 6 years ago, trailered (hauled) home and shedded. IT HAS NEVER BEEN USED! It has never been pulled down a road, in a field or in a ditch! It is Virtually New!
’15 Elite Trailers 8’x28′ Triple Axle Aluminum Stock Trailer
2015 Elite Trailers 8’x28′ Triple Axle Aluminum 5th Wheel Trailer w/2 Center Gates, Walk Thru Side Gate, 235/85R16 Tires, Kept Inside – Awesome!
**NOTE: This trailer has only hauled 7 or 8 loads of calves to Aberdeen, SD. It has been pulled maybe 400 miles (+/-) & half of those miles would have been empty! Must See!