Location: 22526 410th ST SE, Winger, MN
2.5 miles north of Winger on Hwy 59 then turn West on 410th St
to property on the right side. Located 6 miles South of US
Hwy 2 on Hwy 59 then West on 410th St. to the property.
NOTE: All items are to be removed by Sunday July 3rd. Loading will be available the day of Auction, and after the auction by appointment with the seller. Call first to preview. Orrie Home- 218-938-4265, Cell- 218-280-8862, email – oakgrovefarm@gvtel.com Call prior to the auction with questions. No phone bidding allowed day of auction, call in advance.
Sue & Orrie are downsizing their life long collection of farm machinery. Come and join them and Bachmann Auctioneers for a fun day.
Lunch by Lakes Area Lunch Wagon
1971 Allis Chalmers 180 Landhandler
Diesel. power steering 3 point cab heater.
wheel weights and tire chains, 5085 hours
SN 180-11323D. Allis Chalmers model 500.
All hydraulic loader with manure and snow
buckets "Laporte Plant". SN 571137-257
1962 D17 series lll gas 2pt snap coupler
power steering SN D17-42524
1963 D15 series ll gas 2pt snap
coupler power steering
SND15-15127 Noisy transmission
1959 D 14 with shuttle clutch power steering 2 pt snap coupler SN D14-16383
1953 WD-45 2 point snap coupler wide front. SN 151776 "Connie" runs
1949 WD 2 point narrow front SN 28565 'Helmer"
1949 WD 2 point snap coupler narrow front SN 29617 "Alma" Loose
1950 WD 2 point narrow front 12 volt SN 43183. "Glenn"
1936. WC. Unstyled. Spoke wheels. Narrow front SN 19861 loose
1947. WC with single front wheel SN 162453 Engine and clutch stuck
1949 C narrow front turf tires with 60" Woods belly mower manual lift SN 74084
1948 G 3 speed SN 926, runs, newer rubber
1955 WD 45, LP/gas, wide front, new pistons and liner, head rebuilt, approx.. 300 hours since major overhaul, new front tires, 2 rear wheel weights on each side
A-C 3 bottom mounted plow
Allis Chalmers Sno Bee 7 28" two stage snow blower Tecumseh 7 HP engine with electric start
Allis Chalmers B112 Lawn Tractor with 42" mower deck
Allis Chalmers 3×5 Banner. This is the one that flew over the Allis Chalmers tent at the Minnesota State Fair I bought it at the A-C dispersal sale when A-C stopped the displays
1968 Plymouth Fury 111. 4 door sedan
318 V/8. Automatic. Runs rough
1962 and 1/2. Ford F-100 uni-body
2 wheel drive long box pickup.
6 cyl. 3 speed manual Runs & drives
1999 Lincoln Town Car. 240,000 miles.
Runs and drives good, auto
1963 Plymouth Savoy 4 door 225 slant 6 cyl. Manual transmission engine loose, bought new, 110,000 miles
2. – # 3462346 Mopar heads for 71-73. 400/440 engines. Cleaned and Magna Fluxed. Good
1977 Larson 17' 6" Fiberglass Open Bow Boat "Deep Trouble" with 140 HP Mercruiser I/O unit. All covers, ski tow bar, Heavy tilt trailer. Clean and Runs Good.
1 pair Connelly 650 Flex water skis
1 pair Ski-Master water skis
Life jackets
1946 B John Deere with Power
Trol S/N 187275. Nice tin.
Engine does not hold water.
8 ft. Massey Ferguson
#63 press grain drill
IHC model 64 combine with engine (stuck) with Polaris straw chopper
10 ft. IHC pull type PTO swather
160 bushel PTO Minnesota Manure spreader
2 wheel rubber tire Minneapolis Moline Manure spreader ground drive
5 ft Erskine pull type PTO snow blower with 2ft. Wing
McKee. 6 ft. PTO. 2 stage snow blower
Minnesota Big 7. Wagon gear with 14 ft. Flatbed with backstop
Minnesota Heavy Duty wagon gear with 14' 6" large basket for loose hay or bundle
75 gal fuel field service tank
Manual transfer fuel pump
Tractor tire chains. Fit 16.9 X 26 tires
2 – 914 IHC. Pull type PTO combines
Woods 6ft landscaping rake 3pt
IH Ripper with steel wheels
Deerborn dirt scoop
One bottom plow
One row cultivator
Two row All Crop planter With fertilizer cans and plates
Tool Bar
5' Belly Mounted Sickle Mower
Factory Front Weight
Extra wheels
2- 6×24 tires
Factory 3 point hitch conversion
6' rear scraper blade
3/4 yard Dirt Scraper Bucket
2, 3. And 4 bottom plows
12' field cultivator
8' field cultivator
10' tandem disc
4 Row Corn/Bean planter
4 Row Corn/Bean cultivator
7' 3 point mounted Grain Drill with fertilizer and Grass seed
3 point hitch conversion
Lever engaged belt pulley for WC and WD
Misc. drawbar and hitch parts
Rear Wheel weights
Allis Chalmers Machinery
Allis Chalmers 72 All Crop PTO Combine
Allis Chalmers 66 All Crop PTO Combine
2. Allis Chalmers Roto Balers
15 ft. Allis Chalmers single disc
1 row corn cultivator for B
2 row corn cultivator for CA
2 – 2 row cultivators for WD
1 – 4 row cultivator
7' Belly Mount Sickle mower for WC
7' Rear Mount Sickle mower for WD
Tractor loaders with manure buckets
1966 Honda 305 Dream
motorcycle, titled, loose
Adams #4 Road Grader.
No front wheels
Martin 60. Outboard motor
Melotte Stainless Steel cream separator
2 -Fanning mills
7 ft. Clover windrower for Sickle mower
Old wooden flare box wagon on old gear.
Parts for high wooden wheel wagon
Minnesota hay loader, or new idea
Revere 8 movie projector
Solid wood doors 1930 era
Snow plane skis
2 sections of metal towers
Flare box with no running ear
Sections of sliding door tracts
Flat belt buzz saw
1999 Macintosh computer new in box
Black vinyl sleepier sofa
Whirlpool washing machine
May tag wringer washer
Television sets television stand bed frames
Padded outdoor picnic chairs
Complete 1975 Chrysler 440 engine out of 1975 Chrysler New Yorker with 727 Chrysler Torque- Flight attached. Approximately 130,000 miles. Running when removed from car.
4 bbl Holley carburetor from 1975 Chrysler 440
2. – # 2843906 Mopar heads for 68-71. 383/440 engines. Cleaned and Magna Fluxed. Good.