tim hamburger hamburger meats absolute

G & G Auctioneers

18 March, 2025 2:06 am

352 North Ave East - RIchardton, ND

(RIght on Hwy 10 going through Richardton)

Hamburger Meats is a very needed business in oil country (soon to be the heart). Richardton, ND is a thriving community in western ND with a great school system located just off I-94 on Hwy 10 & 8. A butcher shop / meat market would be a great asset to the area, therefore Hamburger Meats will be offered one last time as a business. If no interest as a complete unit, the following items plus other related items will be sold at auction. For viewing please call 701-878-4001 / 701-290-4001  Terms: 30% down day of sale (nonrefundable) balance due in approximately30 days. Sold As Is, Where Is.  LEGAL:  Lots 1,2,3,4-S90’ Lots 5,6-All B 18 OP Lots 1-4 25’X90’ each, Lots 5 & 6 25’ X130’

Tyler walk in Freezer 9'X10'X7.5'-  

   (needs freon to work properly)

Tyler walk in cooler 11 ½’X17 ½’

display cooler

Hobart meat band saw- 32 hp

Hobart electric meat tenderizer

Biro meat grinder – 32 hp

WearEver mixing tub

Globe electric slicer

Hobart scale, Dayton scale

30" sausage stuffer

2 railings-from slaughter room

meat hooks – some on pulleys

3 sink stainless steel sink

stainless steel cabinet & sink

stainless steel hand wash sinks

stainless steel counters

stainless steel serving cart

stainless steel cabinets

stainless steel drawers

tables on wheels & carts

bumper hitch stock trailer

hog table, beef table

misc racks on wheels

20+ wire baskets

lots of meat tubs – gray & white

large hand meat saw

2 old meat saws

sm & lge trays

freezer wrap, handifilm

paper dispensers

rubber stampers

smoking sticks, bacon racks

wenches, shopping carts

platform scale

copper boiler

sausage stuffer, meat grinder

built in smoke house

slaughter chute cemented in

Bakers Chef gas BBQ grill

Little Giant Ladder

trouble light, misc tools

Photo Gallery


*TERMS: Cash/Good Check *Lunch Served *Not Responsible for Accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material *Owners reserve the right to reject any and all bids * Items to be removed sale day unless arrangements have been made. 


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.