17 March, 2025 10:15 am
TUESDAY JUNE 2 4:00PM 2015
LOCATION: Onsite at 11825 County Highway 37, Dalton, MN.Directions: From Dalton take highway 35 south across Freeway to Highway 37, then south approx. 1/4 mile. Or I-94 Dalton exit then south to Hwy 37 and south 1/4 mile.
Owners have sold their home and are relocating. Join us for a nice afternoon Auction near Dalton.
Visit: www.AasnessAuctioneers.com
TRACTORSIHC 560 Gas, 3pt, Hyd’s, PTO w/Dual Model 345 Loader and 7ft Bucket, Like New 18.4-34’s, sn#427525, Very Nice Tractor
Allis Chalmers Model WC, NF, Nice Condition
Cherokee 7ft 3pt Snowblower
7ft 3pt Back Blade
Tractor Chains 18.4-34
(4) Railroad Ties
(8) Concrete Blocks
Steel Fence Posts/Pounder
Extension Ladder/Stabilizer
(2) Rolls of Wooden Fencing
Rough Sawn Ash Lumber
New roll of Tar Paper
Concrete Re-enforcing Mesh
175w Mercury Vapor Light
LAWN/YARD EQUIPMENT2013 Hustler FasTrak Super Duty 23hp ZTR Mower w/60in Mower Deck, 103hrs, Super Nice HD Mower/Like New
24in Walk-behind Snow Blower w/Cab, Nice
Troy-Bilt Pony Rear Tine Tiller
Troy-Bilt Straight Shaft String Trimmer
20in AMF Lawn Mower
Fimco Pull-behind Lawn Sprayer
Lawn Roller/Packer
Lawn Thatcher
Push Type Garden Tiller
John Deere Chainsaw
Garden Hose
Hand Sprayer
Wheel Barrow
Assorted Lawn/Garden Tools
Electric Smoker/Grill
TRAILERSPickup Box Trailer
Utility Trailer
Artic Cat Model 250 2×4 4 Wheeler, 1599 Miles, Nice Cond.
Aluminum 4 Wheeler Ramps
TOOLS/SHOP EQUIPMENTLincoln 225Amp Arc welder
Welding Table
Craftsman Shaper w/stand
Skill Saw/Saw Blades
B/D Disc Sander
16lb Sledge Hammer
Cherry Picker/Hoist
Campbell Hausfeld 2/3hp Airless Paint Sprayer
Air Hose Reel
Paint Spray Gun
Portable Air Tank
3/4in Socket Set
Shingle Cutter
Lean-To Scaffolds
Browning A5 12ga Belgium SA Shotgun, sn#236585
L.C. Smith 12ga Double Barrel SxS, Sn#207841
Strike Master Power Ice Auger
Sears 3hp Air Cooled Outboard Motor
Fishing Rods/Reels
Hunting Clothes
Ladder Tree Stand
Recurve Browning Bow
Army Mummy sleeping Bag
Horse Shoe Set
Deer Horns
4×6 Spear House
Ice Fishing Spear
Camp stove/Camp Cot
Duck & Goose Decoys
Coleman Lantern
Mr Heater
Antique Glass Counter Pie Case (Dalton Cafe Origination)
12 Bass Accordion
Antique Miter Box
Wood Tool Box
Small Primitive Cabinet
Primitive 2dr Cabinet
Vintage Child’s Runner Sled & Skis
Antique Tricycle
Antique Child’s Wagon
Primitive Wooden Sled
Vintage 1950’s Heil (Heiliner) Earth Mover
Vintage Tonka Toys
Copper Broiler
Patio Table & Chairs w/umbrella
Vacuum cleaners
Sears Treadmill
Other Misc Household
Contact Auctioneer; Cary M. Aasness 218 205 1310, Cody Aasness 218 205 1269
Auction Conducted byUnited Country
Aasness Auctioneers
Auctions and Real Estate
Your High Performance Auction Team
?A Tradition of Excellence and Leadership”
See us at aasnessauctioneers.com
Fergus Falls office ph#218 998 4454
Dalton office ph#218 589 8598
Also in Bemidji and Alexandria/St Cloud Area