March Consignment Coin & Currency Auction

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 9 March, 2019
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Live auction on March 9, 2019 with absentee bidding ending at 8:00 pm. cst March 8th. All items are sold “AS IS , WHERE IS” and all sales are final. No refunds or returns. No guarantees of any kind except for the authenticity of US. coins and currency. Not responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Removal of any and all items shall be at the expense , liability and risk of the purchaser. Temchack Auctions, LLC is licensed , insured and bonded in the State of North Dakota. Auctioneer License #995 and Clerk License #667. We are fully complaint and have monthly security scans through our provider, First Data, and our auction software company is as well – they provide the back-end for more auction companies than any other provider. GRADING; Grading is an art not an exact science. It is the bidder’s responsibility to examine the condition and grade prior to bidding. Auctioneer recognizes that opinions on grading may differ from individual to individual. We use the suggestioned condition / grades given by the SELLERS within reason. Buyer’s Premiun; Buyer’s Premium will be added to the Hammer price if paying with credit card. 0% Cash discount. Please register and get bid approval early for online bidding. Bid permission is required for higher max bid limits. This ensures that you are not bidding against people creating fake accounts with no intention of purchasing and paying for items. Anyone registering at the start of the online auction might be declined to bid. All names must match in registration. Phone calls to the registered phone number at the start of an online might be contacted to verify bidder. Temchack Auctions, LLC , the auctioneer & help has NO CONTROL and NOT responsible over the function, errors and failures to record or excute online bids. Also internet connections may vary and service provider’s may have disruptions in functionablity of technolgy. The auctioneer reserve’s the right to continue, suspend, or end the auction if a service disruption occurs during the auction. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may not function correctly at any time, including auction closing time. Temchack Auctions, LLC reserves the right to extend closing times, change the extension time, stop, restart or cancel this auction at its sole discretion. No sales are final until certified by Temchack Auctions, LLC. ?A MAX BID? may be placed on any item and the max bid will be brought forward to the live auction. Internet bidders should place their maximum bids at least two hours prior to internet bidding close. The clerk will bid on your behalf during the Live auction. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on the item you are bidding on for any reason. PLEASE NOTE We cannot control where the clerk is with your bid. Meaning the floor bid my be the same as your max bid and you do not win the lot ! Payment; Cash & Bankable check. Credit cards will only be accepted with a limit of $2500.00 per invoice. We accept MC, Visa, Discover and American Express credit cards. PLEASE make sure your credit card on file is good/ current. All accounts will be charged to the credit card on file within 24 hours of the end of auction. An invoice will be emailed to all winning bidder’s after the auction ends. This invoice will incude shipping / handling charges. temchack Auctions, LLC may refuse bidding privileges to anyone for failure to pay for previous auction invoices. 3% will be added to invoice for use of all credit cards. No chargebacks for credit card use!A list of all sellers / consigner’s is available / posted at each live auction. This is a public auction and as such, all qualified bidders may bid including Temchack Auctions,LLC owners, family and friends.No Shipments outside the United States!!! We will mail only to confirmed address’s in the United States! Shipping / Handling; We use First Class with tracking. Priority Mail with tracking provided by USPS. If you want insurance contact us ASAP to add this cost to your invoice. Cost is an additional $1/ hunded dollar insured value. Cost will be in the following increments; First Class with tracking; $4.00 Small Priority Flat Rate box / envelope; $8.00 Medium Priority flate rate box; $15.00 Large priority Flat Rate box; $20.00
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Joe Boguslawski Estate Auction

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 7 March, 2019
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Auctioneers Note:

Complete farm line from shop equipment, tools, shop supplies sell first at 11am sharp, firearms at 12:30, farm equipment, trailers and trucks sell at 1pm with online bidding available. 

Bottineau ND – 11 miles East, 1 North

Dunseith ND – 7 miles West, 1 North

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Bottineau, ND 58318

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Brad Knudson

Clerk #553

Auctioneer  #766

Bottineau, ND 58318

(701) 871-8921

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  • By admin_acnwp
  • 25 February, 2019
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 Details Online Bidding Only FARM MACHINERY AUCTION   ONLINE BIDDING ONLY   BIDS OPEN FEBRUARY 18; CLOSE FEBRUARY 25, 2019   SECURED PARTY, OWNER   This is a complete list … Continue Reading →

Kal-kota “The Opportunity of 2019” Bull sale

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 24 February, 2019
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TERMS AND CONDITIONS Terms: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made by the seller prior to the sale of anyanimal so affected.Bidding: All animals sell to the highest bidder. Any disputesor challenges regarding bids shall be settled by the auctioneerand his decisions shall be final. Mailed or telephoned bids maybe forwarded to the sale management or auctioneer and willbe handled with strictest confidence. Prior arrangements fortelephone bids at sale time must be made with sale managementor the auctioneer.Insurance of purchases and risk: All are at the owner?srisk and become the property of the purchaser when declaredsold by the auctioneer. Arrangements have been made to haveinsurance available when making settlement.Accidents: All precautions possible will be taken to protect thesafety of buyers and others attending the sale. Nevertheless, noresponsibility will be assumed by the auctioneer, sales management or the host farm in the event of accidents or of loss or damage of property.Health Tests: All animals have been tested and found negative for brucellosis and tuberculosis. The sale Veterinarian willassist buyers on health status for specific states and testing foranaplasmosis and blue tongue as this is required for export toCanada.Breeding Guaranteed and DefinitionsFemales: Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of female calves sold at side of dam, injury or disease occurring after time of sale, gross negligence or willful misconducton the part of the purchaser, females used in ovum transplantafter time of sale, females shown competitively after time of sale,and cows with calf at side.Cows represented as being ?safe in calf? will have been examinedby a licensed veterinarian and are so guaranteed. They are considered breeders without further guarantee. Females with a ?dueto calf? date in the remarks column are considered safe in calf. Abred female is a female known to have seen served by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does notnecessarily mean that this female is safe in calf to that service.A pasture-bred female is a female that has been exposed for thetime stated, but it does not necessarily mean that this female issafe in calf to that bull. An open heifer is a virgin heifer that hasnever been exposed to a bull either through natural service orartificial insemination. An open cow is a cow that has not beenexposed to a bull either through natural service or artificial sincethe birth of her last calf. Calves sold off their dams (split pairs)shall carry the full breeding guarantee.Males: Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (defined as theability to settle healthy cows by 18 month of age) with the exception of bull calves sold at the side of their dam, injury, or diseaseoccurring to the animal after time of sale and gross negligence orwillful misconduct on the part of the purchaser. Any guaranteewith respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between the buyer and seller.Adjustments: The following adjustments do not preclude theright of buyer and seller to mutually agree upon other terms andconditions for settlement of any dispute.All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writingeither within six (6) months from the time of sale or no later thansix (6) months after the animal reaches eighteen (18) months ofage whichever occurs first with the exception of claims involvingmisrepresentation of service sire or as otherwise provided herein.If a female is sold as ?safe in calf? to a given sire or sires on aspecified date or dates and proves not be represented the buyer isentitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the seller?s expense.In the event an animal is claimed to be a non breeder, the animalmay be returned to the farm of the seller, at the buyer?s expense,if in good physical condition and the return is in compliance withthe health requirements of the state where purchased. The sellershall be entitled to a six(6) month trial period in which to provethe animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at his option, replace theanimal with another of equal value. This shall be deemed fullsatisfaction and settlement. Any animal returned will be at thepurchaser?s risk. No guarantee is given concerning a pregnantfemale?s gestation period or calf?s condition. The seller is notresponsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the animalhas been sold nor for sickness not apparent at sale time.If a female is sold as ?open? and proves to be with calf at time ofsale and examined pregnant within sixty (60) days after sale, theBurma return the animal to the farm or seller prior to calvingfor a refund of the full purchase price or for another mutuallyacceptable adjustment. It shall be the obligation of the seller tobear all expenses incurred for transportation of the animal inquestion to the farm of the seller.Any adjustment provided herein, if selected shall absolve theseller from further liability.Definitions and GuaranteesRegistrations and Transfers: Each animal which is cataloged,offered and sold as a registered animal has a certificate of registryavailable at time of sale. When an animal is sold ?eligible for registry? or ?registry applied for,? the seller shall be responsible forobtaining the certificate of registry and for the proper transfer ofthe certificate to the purchaser including full payment of transferfees.Purchaser?s Risk: Each animal becomes the property of andtherefore is also the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold,except it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animalsare fed and cared for free of charge to the buyer until loaded forshipment or until the expiration of forty-eight (48) hours afterthe sale, whichever occurs first.Announcements: Any error or changes in information contained in the catalog will be announced from the auction block.Such announcements shall take precedence over informationcontained herein.Rights and Obligations: The above terms and conditionsof sale constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of eachanimal and shall be equally binding on both. Animals resold following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the parties connectedthereto are not covered by the above terms and conditions of thissale. Neither the host farm, auctioneers, nor any other personconnected with the management or conduct of this sale assumesany liability, legal or otherwise, except as set forth above. Payment; Cash & Bankable check. ALL PAYMENTS will be made to KIST LIVESTOCK
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FREE Midwest Farmland Seminar – Bismarck, ND

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 13 February, 2019
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FREE Midwest Farmland Seminar – Bismarck, ND   Property Details (ID# 3471) Date/Time Wed Feb 13 11:00 AM CST Property Location Bismarck, ND County Burleigh Size 1 Parcels Contact Kristen … Continue Reading →

FREE Midwest Farmland Seminar – Bismarck, ND

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 12 February, 2019
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FREE Midwest Farmland Seminar – Bismarck, ND  Property Details (ID# 3470) Date/Time Tue Feb 12 3:30 PM CST Property Location Bismarck, ND County Burleigh Size 1 Parcels Contact Kristen Gill, … Continue Reading →

Glenn & Mae Murphy Farm Auction

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 11 February, 2019
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The Murphy’s are selling 3 generations of equipment, tools and vehicles from past construction, farm and bison ranch businesses.

Tools and shop equipment sell early with online bidding available at noon on  60+ pieces of equipment. 


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February Consignment Coin, Currency & Token Auction

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 9 February, 2019
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Live auction on February 9, 2019 with absentee bidding ending at 8:00 pm. cst February 8th. All items are sold “AS IS , WHERE IS” and all sales are final. No refunds or returns. No guarantees of any kind except for the authenticity of US. coins and currency. Not responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Removal of any and all items shall be at the expense , liability and risk of the purchaser. Temchack Auctions, LLC is licensed , insured and bonded in the State of North Dakota. Auctioneer License #995 and Clerk License #667. We are fully complaint and have monthly security scans through our provider, First Data, and our auction software company is as well – they provide the back-end for more auction companies than any other provider. GRADING; Grading is an art not an exact science. It is the bidder’s responsibility to examine the condition and grade prior to bidding. Auctioneer recognizes that opinions on grading may differ from individual to individual. We use the suggestioned condition / grades given by the SELLERS within reason. Buyer’s Premiun; Buyer’s Premium will be added to the Hammer price if paying with credit card. 0% Cash discount. Please register and get bid approval early for online bidding. Bid permission is required for higher max bid limits. This ensures that you are not bidding against people creating fake accounts with no intention of purchasing and paying for items. Anyone registering at the start of the online auction might be declined to bid. All names must match in registration. Phone calls to the registered phone number at the start of an online might be contacted to verify bidder. Temchack Auctions, LLC , the auctioneer & help has NO CONTROL and NOT responsible over the function, errors and failures to record or excute online bids. Also internet connections may vary and service provider’s may have disruptions in functionablity of technolgy. The auctioneer reserve’s the right to continue, suspend, or end the auction if a service disruption occurs during the auction. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may not function correctly at any time, including auction closing time. Temchack Auctions, LLC reserves the right to extend closing times, change the extension time, stop, restart or cancel this auction at its sole discretion. No sales are final until certified by Temchack Auctions, LLC. ?A MAX BID? may be placed on any item and the max bid will be brought forward to the live auction. Internet bidders should place their maximum bids at least two hours prior to internet bidding close. The clerk will bid on your behalf during the Live auction. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on the item you are bidding on for any reason. PLEASE NOTE We cannot control where the clerk is with your bid. Meaning the floor bid my be the same as your max bid and you do not win the lot ! Payment; Cash & Bankable check. Credit cards will only be accepted with a limit of $2500.00 per invoice. We accept MC, Visa, Discover and American Express credit cards. PLEASE make sure your credit card on file is good/ current. All accounts will be charged to the credit card on file within 24 hours of the end of auction. An invoice will be emailed to all winning bidder’s after the auction ends. This invoice will incude shipping / handling charges. temchack Auctions, LLC may refuse bidding privileges to anyone for failure to pay for previous auction invoices. 3% will be added to invoice for use of all credit cards. No chargebacks for credit card use!A list of all sellers / consigner’s is available / posted at each live auction. This is a public auction and as such, all qualified bidders may bid including Temchack Auctions,LLC owners, family and friends.No Shipments outside the United States!!! We will mail only to confirmed address’s in the United States! Shipping / Handling; We use First Class with tracking. Priority Mail with tracking provided by USPS. If you want insurance contact us ASAP to add this cost to your invoice. Cost is an additional $1/ hunded dollar insured value. Cost will be in the following increments; First Class with tracking; $4.00 Small Priority Flat Rate box / envelope; $8.00 Medium Priority flate rate box; $15.00 Large priority Flat Rate box; $20.00
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Koepplins Black Simmentals 31st Annual Bull Sale

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 5 February, 2019
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TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1) Bulls will be sold to the highest bidder. 2) Disputes between bidders will be settled by auctioneer by reopening the bidding among the parties involved. The auctioneer?s decision shall be final. 3) Terms of the sale are cash or check at time of sale unless other arrangements are made prior to the sale. Checks must be in U.S. funds. 4) All bulls are guaranteed breeders. Buyer shall let seller know within 8 months of purchase date if bull is unsatisfactory. Bulls will be returned at buyer?s expense. Seller has right to semen test bulls found to be unsatisfactory. Seller will replace bull with one of equal value agreed on by both parties or refund buyer purchase price. 5) Seller may retain semen rights on specific lots as published in the catalog and/or announced from the auction block. 6) Each animal becomes the property of and therefore is also the risk of buyer as soon as it is sold except it shall be the responsibility of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser, until loaded for shipment or for 24 hours after the sale date, whichever occurs first. 7) Announcements from the auction block shall take precedence over material printed in catalog. 8) For those who cannot attend the sale, we will honor a telephone order and guarantee your phone purchase to meet your request when inspected personally by you. 9) Certificates of registry will be supplied by the seller to any buyer requesting them sale day. 10) We will abide by the rules set forth by the American Simmental Association. 11) As we have no control over the acts of God, we cannot guarantee these cattle against death loss, injury, or sickness. We guarantee cattle to be healthy sale day. 12) In case of DNA testing, Koepplin?s Black Simmentals are in no way responsible for incorrect test results. Bulls said to be homozygous black are tested by Geneseek, Inc., of Lincoln, Nebraska. Temchack Auctions, LLC is licensed , insured and bonded in the State of North Dakota. Auctioneer License #995 and Clerk Lcense #667. We are fully complaint and have monthly security scans through our provider, First Data, and our auction software company is as well – they provide the back-end for more auction companies than any other provider. Please register and get bid approval early for online bidding. Bid permission is required from Koepplins to place online bids. Anyone registering at the start of the webcast auction might be declined to bid. Phone calls to the registered phone number at the start of a webcast might be contacted to verify bidder. Temchack Auctions, LLC , the auctioneer & help has NO CONTROL and NOT responsible over the function, errors and failures to record or excute online bids. Also internet connections may vary and service provider’s may have disruptions in functionablity of technolgy. The auctioneer reserve’s the right to continue, suspend, or end the auction if a service disruption occurs during the auction. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may not function correctly at any time, including auction closing time. Temchack Auctions, LLC reserves the right to extend closing times, change the extension time, stop, restart or cancel this auction at its sole discretion. No sales are final until certified by Temchack Auctions, LLC. ?A MAX BID? may be placed on any item and the max bid will be brought forward to the live auction. Internet bidders should place their maximum bids at least two hours prior to internet bidding close. The clerk will bid on your behalf during the Live auction. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on the item you are bidding on for any reason. PLEASE NOTE We cannot control where the clerk is with your bid. Meaning the floor bid my be the same as your max bid and you do not win the lot ! Payment; Cash & Bankable check. ALL PAYMENTS will be made to KIST LIVESTOCK
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Rodney Kinnischtzke and Guests Consignors

  • By admin_acnwp
  • 31 January, 2019
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*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.

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