220.11 Surveyed Acres sells in four tracts, survey now complete. 83.8 CSR2! Tillable, Timber & Acreage. For information contact Nate Larson of Steffes Group, 319.385.2000 or 319.931.3944 (cell)

Lousia County Iowa Land & Real Estate Auction

The farm and house are located 5 miles south of Columbus Junction/Columbus City on X17, then ½ mile northwest on 94th Street to 24758 94th Street.  OR 3 miles north of Winfield, IA on W66, then 1 ½ miles Easton G62, then 1 mile north on X17, then ½ mile northwest on 94th Street to 24758 94th Street. Watch for signs.

Auction to be held at the Youth Learning Center at the Louisa County Fairgrounds, Columbus Junction, Iowa.  

Open House on Tuesday, November 1st, 4-5 PM or by appointment. 

220.11 Surveyed Acres – Survey now complete – SELLS IN FOUR TRACTS

“Selling Choice with the Privilege” 
Tracts #1, 2 & 3 will be sold price per acre and will be selling Choice with the Privilege.  High bidder may take Tract #1, Tract #2 or Tract #3 or all tracts or any combination of tracts, in any order, for their high bid.  This will continue until all three tracts are sold.  Tract #4 will sell after Tracts #1-3 are sold and will be sold lump sum price.

Auctioneer’s Note:  The farm is selling Free and Clear for the 2017 farming season.  This auction is selling by Court Order and will be transferred by Court Officer’s Deed or Deeds.


TRACT #1 – 85.28 Surveyed Acres 
FSA information: 71.68 acres tillable, balance being timber.
Corn Suitability Rating 2 of 82.8 (CSR 1 of 83.1) on the tillable.
Located in Section 23, Elm Grove Township, Louisa County, Iowa.

TRACT #2 – 87.91 Surveyed Acres
FSA information: 74.83 acres tillable, balance being timber.
Corn Suitability Rating 2 of 83.8 (CSR 1 of 83.2) on the tillable.
Located in Section 23, Elm Grove Township, Louisa County, Iowa.

TRACT #3 –44.51 Surveyed Acres
This property has great potential for recreational opportunities as the property is all timber with Buffington Creek running through the property.  Access by V Avenue.   Located in Sections 14 & 23, Elm Grove Township, Louisa County, Iowa.

TRACT #4 – 4 BEDROOM HOME ON 2.41 Surveyed ACRES
Home is located at 24758 94th Street, Columbus Junction.

This 1 ½ story, four bedroom home has 2,030 sq. ft. of living space.  The home features a large kitchen with refrigerator, electric stove and laundry hookups.  The main level also has two bedrooms, living room, dining room, office and bathroom.  The upstairs has two bedrooms and storage rooms & closets.

The home has updated windows(except front living room), enclosed back porch, Heil electric forced air furnace w/ central air and electric baseboard heat.  Other amenities include electric water heater, 150 amp breaker box and well.

Several usable buildings to include: Large barn, Open faced machine shed, Shed with concrete floor, Small granary, Garage & Utility shed.  Grain bins include: approx.. 10,000 bu. bin w/ dryer & 3,000 bu. bin.  All located on 2 acres M/L, subject to final survey.


Included:Refrigerator, Stove
Not Included: Portable utility shed, LP tank, Farm Machinery, All Personal Property, 2017 crops.

Terms: 20% down payment on Tuesday, November 15, 2016. Balance at closing with a projected date of December 28, 2016 upon delivery of merchantable abstract and Court Officer’s deed and all objections have been met.

Possession: Projected date of December 28, 2016.
Real Estate Taxes:  To be prorated to date of possession on the basis of the last available tax statement.  Seller shall pay any unpaid real estate taxes payable in prior years.


The following taxes are approximate

Tract #1
Gross                        $2,481.99
Ag. Credit                   (105.03)
Family Farm Credit     (73.39)
Net                           $2,240.00 (Approx.)

Tract #2
Gross                        $2,261.60
Ag. Credit                     (100.03)
Family Farm Credit       (68.64)
Net                      $2,092.00 (Approx.)

Tract #3
Gross/Net                            $0
Currently in forest reserve.


Tract #4
Gross                           $860.45
Family Farm Credit         (2.47)
Net                                 $858.00 (Approx.) 


Special Provisions:


Owners: Elaine Gipple

William Mathews – Attorney for Elaine Gipple


Patricia Peay
Roger A. Huddle– Attorney for Pat Peay


For information contact Nate Larson of Steffes Group, 319.385.2000 or  319.931.3944 (cell)

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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc., agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.