This land auction features 6 tracts and includes tillable land, recreational land, pasture land, and a farmstead near Makoti, ND! For a detailed Buyer’s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions contact our office at 701.237.9173; or Brad Olstad, 701.238.0240; or Max Steffes, 701.212.2849 at Steffes Group.


Land Located: North Central, ND

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This land auction features 6 tracts and includes tillable land, recreational land, pasture land, and a farmstead near Makoti, ND! Please note, all tracts are available to be farmed and or grazed for the 2022 season.

Driving Directions:

T1, T2, & T3: From the Jct. of 1804 & Hwy 37 (12 miles west of Garrison, ND), north 10 miles on Hwy. 37/Hwy. 28, west 1 mile, T1 & 2 to the north, T3 to the south.

T4: From the Jct. of 1804 & Hwy 37 (12 miles west of Garrison, ND), north 3-1/2 miles on Hwy. 37, west 4 miles on 20th St. NW, south 1 mile on 55th Ave. NW, land on west side.

T5: From Makoti, ND, north 2 miles on 338th St. SW, east 1/2 mile on 233rd Ave. SW. T6: From, McKenzie, ND, west 1/2 mile on Co. Rd. 10





Description: McLean County, sections 19, 20, & 28 Blue Hill Township & section 26 Roseglen Township; Ward County, section 10 Orlien Township; Burleigh County, section 29 McKenzie Township

Total Acres: 775+

Cropland Acres: 342.88+

To Be Sold in 6 Tracts!

TRACT 1 (McLean County – Blue Hill Township):

Description: SE1/4 Section 19-150-86

Total Acres: 158+

Cropland Acres: 87.25+

Pasture/Lowland/Water Acres: 70+

PID #: 66-0019-09452-000

Soil Productivity Index: 89

Soils: Makoti silty clay loams (60%), Roseglen silty loam (35%)

Taxes (2020): $1,077.58

NO US Fish & Wildlife Easement

Tract Note: This tract features mix-use land with cropland both on the north and south portions and water running through the middle.

TRACT 2 (McLean County – Blue Hill Township):

Description: W1/2 Section 20-150-86

Total Acres: 320+

Cropland Acres: 243.39+

Pasture Acres: 69+

PID #’s: 66-0020-09457-000 & 66-0020-09458-000

Soil Productivity Index: 81

Soils: Wildrose silty clay (52%), Makoti silty clay loam (12%), Williams-Falkirk loams (10%)

Taxes (2020): $2,863.42

NO US Fish & Wildlife Easement

Tract Note: Half section directly across the street from tract 1 with good access and predominantly cropland.

TRACT 3 (McLean County – Blue Hill Township):

Description: SW1/4 Section 28-150-86

Total Acres: 160+

Pasture/Hayland Acres: 12.62+

PID #: 66-0028-09496-000

Soil Productivity Index: 76

Soils: Wildrose silty clay (53%), Parshall fine sandy loam (47%)

Taxes (2020): $207.18

NO US Fish & Wildlife Easement

Tract Note: Quarter section features predominantly water with an area in the northwest corner of the quarter which would be a perfect sight to build a hunting cabin directly adjoining a large body of water which attract waterfowl that frequent the area.

TRACT 4 (McLean County – Roseglen Township):

Description: S1/2SE1/4 Section 26-149-87

Total Acres: 80+

Cropland Acres: 22.24+

Pasture Acres: 58.24+

PID #: 54-0026-07366-000

Soil Productivity Index: 83

Soils: Williams-Bowbells loams (93%), Williams-Zahl loams (6%)

Taxes (2020): $636.05

NO US Fish & Wildlife Easement

Tract Note: This 80-acre tract features mix-use land and predominantly pasture with cropland portions on the east side of the tract.

TRACT 5 (Ward County – Orlien Township):

Description: E396’ of W878’ of S422’ SE Section 10-152-87

Total Acres: 4.5+

PID #: OR10005U030000

Taxes (2020): $116.21

View US Fish & Wildlife Easement Here

Tract Note: Farmstead with power located north of Makoti 1 mile off of blacktop.

TRACT 6 (Burleigh County – McKenzie Township):

Description: S1/2SW1/4 LYING N OF STATE HWY#10 Section 29-139-77

Total Acres: 52+

PID #: 34-139-77-00-29-811

Soil Productivity Index: 20

Soils: Heil silt loam (100%)

Taxes (2020): $35.36

NO US Fish & Wildlife Easement

Tract Note: This tract features predominantly low land which is suitable for waterfowl that frequent the region. This tract is located off of blacktop directly west of McKenzie and east of Bismarck.

TERMS: Ten percent down upon signing purchase agreement with balance due at closing in 45 days.


For a detailed Buyer’s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions contact our office at 701.237.9173; or Brad Olstad, 701.238.0240; or Max Steffes, 701.212.2849 at Steffes Group.

Steven Kerzman, Trustee

Photo Gallery
